Limited Edition MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS Hardcovers Available for Pre-Order


Exclusive New High End Hardcovers Now Available For Pre-Order With Signatures, Exclusive Artwork & More

[/vc_column_text][us_separator][vc_column_text]BOOM! Studios, under license by Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ: HAS), today announced that, following the exciting new relaunch of the Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers series in 2020, the entire fifty-five issue flagship series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, along with several key tie-in issues, will be collected in six premium, limited edition Deluxe Hardcover volumes and available for pre-order individually or in a complete set through Kickstarter.

Fans of the Morphinominal heroes can pre-order copies of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Kickstarter Edition Hardcovers exclusively through Kickstarter.

Fans can also order or purchase our Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comics as widely available standard softcover or hardcover collections from their local comic shops and bookstores.

  • Pre-order or purchase Mighty Morphin Power Rangers standard softcover or hardcover collections from your local comic shop. You can also start a pull list at your comic shop, so you never miss a single issue of the newly launched Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers series. Find a comic shop near you by visiting
  • Pre-order or purchase Mighty Morphin Power Rangers standard softcover or hardcover collections from book stores and online retailers through our distributor portal.

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BOOM! Studios